Present Tense

The present tense is the verb tense used in French for verbs when speaking or writing in the present.

There are three types of verbs:
All the regular verbs in present tense follow the same patern. Cut off the -er, -ir, or -re depending on which verb is being used.

ER Verbs

Take the infinitive of the verb and cut off the -er.
Then take the stem of the verb and add the ending depend on which noun the verb is being conjugated with.

When conjugating the Je form(I) add an -e to the end of the stem.

When conjugating the Tu form(informal you) add an -es to the end of the stem.

When conjugating the Il/Elle/On form (He/She/One) add an -e to the end of the stem.

When conjugating the Nous form(We) add an -ons to the end of the stem.

When conjugating the Vous form(You formal) add an -ez to the end of the stem.

When conjugating the Ils/Elles form(They) add an -ent to the end of the stem.

parler- to speak
Je parle Nous parlons
Tu parles Vous parlez
Il/Elle parle Ils/Elles parlent

IR Verbs

Take the infinitive of the -ir verb and cut off the -ir. Then take the stem of the verb and add the appropriate endings based on which noun the verb is being conjugated with.

When conjugating with the Je form add an -is to the end of the stem.

When conjugating with the Tu form add an -is to the end of the stem.

When conjugating with the Il/Elle form add an -it to the end of the stem.

When conjugating with the Nous form add an -issons to the end of the stem.

When conjugating with the Vous form add an -issez to the end of the stem.

When conjugating with the Ils/Elles form add an -issent to the end of the stem.

finir- to finish
Je finis Nous finissons
Tu finis Vous finissez
Il/Elle finit Ils/Elles finissent

RE Verbs

Take the infinitive of the -re verb and cut off the -re. Then take the stem of the verb and add the appropriate endings based on which noun the verb is being conjugated with.

When conjugating with the Je form add an -e to the end of the stem.

When conjugating with the Tu form add an -e to the end of the stem.

When conjugating with the Il/Elle form add NOTHING to the end of the stem.

When conjugating with the Nous form add an -ons to the end of the stem.

When conjugating with the Vous form add an -ez to the end of the stem.

When conjugating with the Ils/Elles form add an -ent to the end of the stem.

attendre- to wait
Je attends Nous attendons
Tu attends Vous attendez
Il/Elle attend Ils/Elles attendent

Note: When prenouncing the Ils/Elles conjugation do NOT pernounce the -ent at the end.